Gender Affirming Procedures

Drag Queen Bosco’s – Facial Feminization Surgery Experience

Facial feminization surgery has brought a revolution in cosmetic surgery. At this moment, cosmetic surgery techniques are not limited to just treating aging issues, rather it has gone far and beyond. Facial feminization surgery is specially done for someone, who wants a softer look for themselves. Feminine looks are softer in terms of a small chin, smaller jawline, and small forehead. This is popular among transgender women, and in this article, we will explore the experience of Drag Queen Bosco with FFS. 

The Facial Feminization Surgery and Drag Queen Bosco

The FFS has already gained popularity, but it became a boom when drag race season finalist Bosco got featured in a documentary, Portrait of a Queen, titled “ Face of Bosco,” showcasing her real-life facial feminization surgery. This documentary came as a guiding light to all those who want to change their looks, especially transgender women. 

Let’s explore the procedure of facial feminization surgery through Bosco’s experience:

  1. The Preparation: Drag queen Bosco surprised her fans by disclosing that she is transgender. The decision to undergo an FFS was a huge step, starting from choosing the right plastic surgeon to mentally preparing for the final day. Through her experience, we learned that one must prioritize natural look rather than completely altering it. Preparing one’s mind for the surgery is always a tough call. With a determined mind, you can witness a new self. 
  2. Doctor’s Consultation: Before undergoing surgery, she met the doctor and went through every detail of the procedure by herself. It is best to see a map of before and after the face, as done by Bosco. Upon clarification of each step, she decided to go for it with full confidence. The consultation with the doctor is a very important step in knowing what to expect during and after the procedure. It is advisable to ask all the questions with your doctor beforehand to avoid any confusing and unseen risks. 
  3. The Procedure: The procedure involved different facial techniques to address the forehead, chin, extra fat to fill the volume under the eye and cheeks, and the upper lip to slightly full to match the lower lip. 
  4. Recovery Time: Post-surgery, Bosco faced some discomforts like bruises and swellings, and the recovery took its time. However, with the support from the community and follow-up sessions, the journey was easier. Thus, staying connected with your community is the power to overcome the recovery stage with positivity and patience. 
  5. Show The World: Bosco’s FFS showcased not just her journey but also sent a powerful message to the world for the transgender community. It is the celebration of self-acceptance and advancement in plastic surgery. 

The journey shows us the importance of pursuing gender-affirming healthcare and the positive impact it can have on one’s mental and emotional well-being.


The journey of FFS is no walk in the park. One has to be determined, train the mind for the new beginning, and accept the changes.The right doctor and staying connected with the community play a very important role from start to end. The specific procedures, recovery timelines, and emotional experiences will vary from person to person. If you’re considering FFS, consult with a qualified facial feminization surgeon to discuss your individual needs and goals.