Gender Affirming Procedures

How To Talk To Your Doctor About HRT MTF

Struggling with gender dysphoria is a real issue that many people face and can significantly disrupt their day-to-day lives. HRT for male-to-female transition can be a life-changing process that allows you to achieve your goals and feel comfortable in your own skin. However, it can also be a frightening process to begin, and it may be hard to know the right way to approach the conversation with your doctor. The right provider will listen to you, understand your struggles, and find the right hormone therapy plan for your transition. Here are some helpful tips on how to talk to your doctor about HRT for male-to-female transition.

Hormone Therapy For MTF

Talking to your doctor about hormone therapy for your transition doesn’t have to be scary. Hormone therapy is a fantastic option for your transition that will allow your body to change and bring feminine qualities. You can begin the discussion with your provider by explaining your gender dysphoria and the daily struggles you face.

Opening up this conversation should be easy and natural with the right doctor. The right provider can help you find the right solution for your transition. They should be understanding, open, and willing to work with your struggles.

Discussing Other Options

There are other options you can discuss with the right provider other than hormone replacement therapy. While HRT is an excellent place to start, an experienced provider should be able to create a great transition plan that suits your needs. Some other outstanding male-to-female transition options include:

  • Hairline Feminization Surgery: one of the biggest struggles transgender women face is their hairline. Women’s hairlines tend to sit lower on the forehead and fuller than men’s. A man’s hairline is higher and recedes further back, creating a distinct physical difference. Hairline feminization surgery allows you to achieve a feminine full hairline and can include a hair transplant for a fuller head of hair.
  • MTF Top Surgery: While hormone therapy can begin the development of breast tissue, it may not provide the entire aesthetic look you desire. Male-to-female top surgery can help patients achieve full feminine breasts and promote a womanly figure.
  • Facial Feminization: Facial feminization combines numerous surgeries that bridge the gap between male and female facial structures. It can include surgeries like brow lift, orbital bone reduction, jaw bone reduction, or lip feminization to create a beautiful, feminine face.

Be Open & Honest

The best way to talk to your provider about MTF hormone replacement therapy is to be open and honest about your struggles. Don’t be afraid to explain your thoughts, feelings, and overall goals. The right provider will hear your struggles and help create an ideal feminizing hormone therapy plan for your transformation.


At Feminization Surgeries, Dr. Javad Sajan is the right provider to talk about male-to-female transition. He understands the importance of creating necessary transitions and their importance for one’s mental health. You can easily talk to Dr. Sajan about HRT for male-to-female transition and work with him to find your unique transition plan.