Male to female bottom surgery can refer to a couple of different procedures. First, and most commonly used with the term bottom surgery, is a procedure that alters or removes the genitals to create genitals that resemble the patient’s gender identity. Dr. Sajan does perform this type of transgender surgery. However, he does perform the […]
How To Get A More Feminine Figure MTF
Transgender women often want to achieve a more feminine figure. This is one of their main goals on their transition journey and can be mentally and physically challenging. However, many steps can bring you confidence and triumph in your male-to-female transition and provide incredible success. While cosmetic surgery is a significant step in achieving your […]
Does Estrogen Make You Infertile MTF?
When deciding to commence with a chemical transition from male to female, there are many variables to consider. For patients who want or plan to have biological children in the future, taking traditional female hormones—namely estrogen—can pose problems for sperm production. But, does estrogen make MTF women infertile? The exact effects of estrogen on future […]
How To Get Rid Of Beard Shadow MTF
Transgender women face many challenges when it comes to presenting their identity. Beards can become problematic, even with regular shaving. Transgender women often face a constant battle with the beard shadow that can appear on the same day they shave. Additionally, shaving your face constantly can create skin problems and further increase a beard shadow. […]
Does Estrogen Stop Facial Hair Growth (MTF)?
For some people transitioning from male to female, taking estrogen hormones is a natural part of their transition. Known as a “chemical transition,” estrogen causes several changes to the body that make it appear more feminine. One of the most noticeable changes is the redistribution of fat from areas where males hold fat to where […]